The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #71110   Message #1219487
Posted By: matai
04-Jul-04 - 08:17 PM
Thread Name: The Care And Feeding Of Muses
Subject: RE: The Care And Feeding Of Muses
So what i'm hearing is that the muse is not a muse but part of myself. Fair enough but there are people in my life who have inspired me with everything, which is an exceedingly huge amount, that I have written so far. Usually they are real people. People outside myself. What I write might be my own but it is in response to how I perceive others, others in situations.... I don't believe anyone can create in a vacuum. There are always influences. It goes without saying that one's art must be practised everyday. Even if it is only writing in a journal (or to this list) And a class or group of somekind can be helpful but ultimately it is me and the pen/guitar and my muse. I can't see any other way.
