The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #14306   Message #121988
Posted By: KingBrilliant
08-Oct-99 - 03:46 AM
Thread Name: BS: which voice Pt 2 / the chicken
Subject: which voice Pt 2 / the chicken
Stung by Cathy and her chickens (some altos are chicken sopranos) - I decided to see whether I could improve the top range of voice. She could be right because I've found out that I can sing some nice high notes quite loud & resonantly (I've been practicing in the car where you can really howl it out). So - then I thought I could improve that range a bit by just singing some songs up there. THEN - I found out that although I have no trouble putting loads of expression etc in my alto voice, when I sing up high it just came out very plain and in a sort of 'snooty' voice & sounded REALLY naff. The point being that although I was singing exactly the same song, I just didn't do the same things with it. I had to conciously work out what I do that sounds 'right' down low & then deliberately transfer that into the high version. I NEVER have to deliberately think about how I'm singing in the alto range, probably because its so familiar. But what seems STRANGE is that the technique only happens in the one range & I'll have to re-aquire it for the higher range by practicing. I would have expected it to just automatically transfer as its all to do with changing loudness, tempo & tone and adjusting accent, & adding twiddly bits & adjusting the tune a bit - basically the singing style I was so sure of is just not transferable between the two 'voices' but is transferrable between different songs and different keys. Is there any logic to that? Surely we don't use different bits of the brain for chest voice & head voice? Or is it just that I haven't developed the same level of control & am subconciously adjusting for that? Anyone else found the same thing??? Or noticed any other odd voice phenomena???
