The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #71319   Message #1220601
Posted By: GUEST,Larry K
07-Jul-04 - 09:13 AM
Thread Name: BS: New thread on WMD
Subject: RE: BS: New thread on WMD
What is a UN resolution worth-   If the paper is soft it might be suitable as toilet paper.   Otherwise, completely useless.   Kind of like the nerdy guys in the movie.   "If you don't honor this resolution, we are going to write another resolution"   Wow- I'm scared.

Did we find WMD's- yes. Not the stockpile that Clinton, Kerry, Bush, Liebeman, Gore, France, Germany, Russia thought.   We found labs, warheads, plans, a little saran, a little mustard gas, and a few other biological weapons.   The kind of stuff you keep in your basement.   Every weekend I have to yell at the kids "where did you hide the saran?"    But these WMD"S don't count until we find the big stockpile we were promised.

The real question is whether Iraq was in violation of the UN agreement.   David Kay says yes.   Hans Blix says yes.   And sane person has to says yes.    I would expect that most mudcatters say no.

The real difference between conservative and liberals on this issue.   Liberals say we must have proof on WMD's and wait for a WMD attack to kill thousands or millions before we can act.   And than blame the president for not having the intelligence to protect us. (like the 9/11 hearings)   Conservatives think we shoud take preemtive strikes to prevent WMD attacks here.

What are the consequences of being wrong.   If conservatives are wrong, we look foolish to the world, but have removed a brutal dictator who killed hundreds of thousands of people and gave 25 million Iraqis a chance of freedom at a cost of 1,000 american lives and lots of money.    If liberals are wrong millions of americans die, and an economic depression on the entire world.   (look at the effect on the economy from 9/11.   Now imagine the effect of a WMD attack that killed thousands/millions)