The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #71319   Message #1220628
Posted By: Nerd
07-Jul-04 - 09:30 AM
Thread Name: BS: New thread on WMD
Subject: RE: BS: New thread on WMD

If conservatives are wrong, we destablilize Iraq, make it a haven for terrorists, divide our resources so that we spend billions less on eliminating Al Qaeda, and we suffer a WMD attack from Al Qaeda. Millions of Americans die, and an economic depression on the entire world.

If Liberals are wrong, the same dictator we funded and supported for years before we slapped him on the wrist remains in power and does essentially nothing to us because he has a weak military. The WMD remain exactly where they were, rotting in Iraq. But we rout out global terrorism where it REALLY existed prior to this wrongheaded war.

See, LarryK, it's easy to make phony predictions about what would happen. In fact, it's just another damn logical fallacy.

Beyond this, your claim that "Liberals say we must...wait for a WMD attack to kill thousands or millions before we can act." is a false premise. Liberals do NOT say that.

SO you have made a logically fallacious argument beginning with a false premise, and have ended up with a grumus merdae. Good work!