The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #71247   Message #1220803
Posted By: mike the knife
07-Jul-04 - 01:08 PM
Thread Name: BS: Red Bull Energy Drink - Anybody tried it
Subject: RE: BS: Red Bull Energy Drink - Anybody tried it
Ingested a fair amount in Europe circa 1994 when working as a tour guide. Late nights/early mornings, innummerable silly questions to answer, etc. It kept me semi fit between stops for a coffee/tea.
As for the Taurine, I understand the source is man-made/synthesized & therefore veg-friendly.
In the bar I work in, we get orders for a "cockblock" (Red Bull & Jaegermeister) all of the time. I tell them to order a Guinness & sit down & enjoy the music & behave themselves- we don't serve that crap. I've seen people babble/shout drunken jibberish after a few rounds of vodka & red bull. It helps I guess if you need to drink & stay up late & don't wan't the hassle of cocaine.