The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68767   Message #1221104
Posted By: Jim Dixon
07-Jul-04 - 11:59 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: Irish songs about balls, wakes, soirees
Subject: Lyr Add: HOGAN'S TIN WEDDING (Rossiter, Smith)
From The Library of Congress American Memory Collection -

(Words, Phil Rossiter. Music, H. Forrest Smith, Jr. 1885)

1. 'Twas to Hogan's tin wedding party
Which he gave to his friends in the town
That Mickey and Judy McCarty
Came with others of lesser renown.
There was Ennis that came from Kildare,
And the Gormans way down in Tralee,
The McSweeneys from County of Clare,
And the Burkes that took whiskey in tea.
Pat Foy and the Macs from Killarney,
They mix'd with tony society.
They all kiss'd the stone call'd the Blarney,
And were great boys for variety.
Barney Toole was there dress'd in his frieze,
Della Regan along with her beau,
And Mullarkey whose pup took a prize
At the great international show.

CHORUS: They had ice cream, chow-chow, and sardines,
Caramels and pig's feet and scrapple,
Figs, bananas, new hash, and baked beans,
Two half-decayed pears and an apple.
They also had coffee and peanuts,
And whiskey right neat mix'd with brandy.
The gents were all smoking cigar butts,
The ladies all licking their candy.

2. Each visitor then show'd the present
That to good Mister Hogan he'd brought,
But oh! it was mightily pleasant
To see all the fine things that were bought.
The Mint set six splendid tin dollars
As a token of their great esteem.
Six cast-iron plated tin collars
Came from Toole with a tin can for cream.
Ennis brought a pair of tin glasses
And the Macs six imported tin hats.
Pat Foy a tin pot for molasses
And the Gormans a dozen tin bats. (?)
Mullarkey brought a pair of tin boots,
Della Regan six shining tin spoons,
The McSweeneys two homemade tin flutes
To play all the grand opera tunes.

3. Now when Hogan got up for a speech,
There was suddenly started a fight.
Nancy Hogan let out a great screech
Like a rooster that crows in the night.
Barney Toole began licking the Macs
While Phil Burke tried to part the great foes.
Old Ennis got some terrible whacks
That broke down a big lump on his nose.
The Gormans were pounding Mullarkey,
Both ambitious to conquer or die.
McSweeney was bold as a darkey
Till Pat Foy gave him one in the eye.
Old Judy McCarty was yowling
And Regan big tin tears was shedding,
Till twelve color'd cops came in howling
And shut down on Hogan's tin wedding.