The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #71319   Message #1221289
Posted By: Teribus
08-Jul-04 - 08:33 AM
Thread Name: BS: New thread on WMD
Subject: RE: BS: New thread on WMD
The disclosure that Russian intelligence services passed on information, relating to Saddam Hussein's intentions, to their counterparts in the US is the only "new" information that has come to light in months. It helps explain a great deal.

I most certainly do not dismiss President Putin's belief and view of the US led invasion of Iraq. I might not agree with it, but I don't dismiss it. In regard to the stance taken by Russia, some sort of evaluation of motive for adopting that stance is required. Possible motives are:

1. Interest in upholding the values of international law.

2. Humanitarian concern.

3. National self-interest.

The former Soviet Union and the Confederation of Russia States that suceeded it have never been ardent champions of either 1 or 2 above, so my money would be on number 3 above.

On reviewing the stance taken by Russia since the summer of 2002 a number of compelling arguements can be put forward to support a claim that Russia was looking after her own interests throughout.

The US-led coalition's invasion of Iraq and its aims ran counter to what Russia saw as her best interests, therefore politically in international forums Russia was opposed to the US/coalition action.