The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #71208   Message #1222030
Posted By: Ragman
09-Jul-04 - 05:48 AM
Thread Name: Insult to Folk Music from Radio Times
Subject: RE: Insult to Folk Music from Radio Times
I listened to the first half of the programme on the way to a folk session, and thorougly enjoyed it. Billy, as his wont, talked a little too much, and some of the stories were not quite as I remember them, but his love for the music clearly came across, and I thought the music was great.

Not many people credit Billy Connolly for his own song writing either, and I think it's a shame. He has written some great lyrics in his time. I think many people have unfairly categorised Billy as a duff musician, either because they don't like the particular brand of music he did/does, or more likely because they think they can make cheap points in an article and dont have the manners to research the subject properly or try to understand what makes the music good for him and others.