The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #71432   Message #1222161
Posted By: Jeri
09-Jul-04 - 09:21 AM
Thread Name: Fahrenheit 9/11 responses
Subject: RE: Fahrenheit 9/11 responses
I used to listen to Limbaugh occasionally, just to see what the right wing extremists were saying. What I believed I found was a lot of ridicule and scorn and very few facts. The scorn made it feel to me like they just didn't have much else other than that. As an independent voter, I'll listen to anything that makes sense, and attempts to use people's feelings and provoke knee-jerk reactions just turned me off.

I don't think Moore does that, although knee-jerk reactions will possibly result from the facts presented and the questions asked, by those who don't want to have reasons to think. (I have a feeling that Bush could pull a Saddam, have irritating people executed, and a few folks out there would say "But he's our President! I support him - he must have had his reasons!"

I would love to hear the other side in an intelligent debate. I don't think the 'other side' will see the movie, and if they do, they won't talk about points Moore raised but "He's a weenie, he hates America, yada, yada."