The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #71449   Message #1222312
Posted By: GUEST
09-Jul-04 - 11:24 AM
Thread Name: PLEASE, defend BANJOS !!!
Subject: RE: PLEASE, defend BANJOS !!!
Yes, there are a lot of anti-banjo comments about, but other instruments also get slammed too. But a banjo in the hands of a tasteless person is indeed a dangerous thing. Banjos don't kill music, banjo players kill music. But why don't guitars fall victim to the same criticisms. I wonder why do guitars seem to get a pass?

Taking my cue from certain politicians leaders and the other guest Sir jOhn from Hull, I will act as if there isn't enough rancor already and ask a few questions:
1. Why does learning two cords make you a guitar player? Why do so many guitar players think that everyone wants to hear these two cord forms even if it means placing the capo over the bridge?
2. Why does learning one augmented guitar cord automatically make you a singer-songwriter?
3. When they learn that it is possible to play a melody on a guitar, why do guitar players assume that they absolutely must do it?
4. Why do flat-picking guitar players feel that any quiet spot must be filled with a descending scale played on the bass string?
5. Why does the additional of another rhythm guitar player increase the need for a percussion player to set the rhythm?
6. Why is that when guitar players finally decide that there are too many guitars going at once, it is always one that knows the tune being played that drops out?