The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #71494   Message #1223274
Posted By: Rapparee
11-Jul-04 - 10:46 AM
Thread Name: PLEASE, defend FOLK TRUMPETERS!
1. Trumpeters can't play and sing at the same time, which is usually a Good Thing.
2. Without going into details, neither banjoists nor accordioneers can double and triple tongue their instruments.
3. Folkie trumpeters are a vanishing species. There's only one that I know of, so send money for my preservation.
4. Trumpeters can also play treble clef baritone (euphonium).
5. You don't need a capo for a trumpet. Maybe a mute, but not a capo.
6. Mouthpeices are kept employed and out of landfills.
7. Ever tried it with valve oil?? Hmmmmmmmmm?
8. Trumpeters can also play hunting horn, conch shells, garden hose, and many other things -- extremely versital folks!
8. Some trumpetin' cat named Gabriel is gonna get in the last whack.
9. There ain't no guitars in a marchin' band. Ain't no banjos, either.
10. While not impossible, it IS very difficult to get parts of your anatomy caught in a trumpet.