The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #13003   Message #1223363
Posted By: Jeri
11-Jul-04 - 01:49 PM
Thread Name: New Englanders to FSGW? (2004 now included)
Subject: RE: New Englanders to FSGW? (2004 now included)
Joe, bite me. I wasn't lost when I was on the stump. People who are lost do not have people standing around singing songs, taking pictures, and offering helpful advice. I knew exactly where I was.'ve reminded me I need to put a tune to that wee song I wrote about the NJ Turnpike experience. Listen folks, if everything always went according to plan, life would be pretty dull. In a perfect world, there would be no songs. Nobody would get murdered or knocked up unexpectedly, fall in love with the wrong person or not fall in love, there would be no wars to sing about, no shipwrecks, trainwrecks, fires or other disasters, there would be no need for unions because bosses would be kind and they (and everybody else) would always do the right thing. The answers would be readily available to everyone, and not 'blowin' in the wind'. We'd all have a damned hammer.

I wonder if "write a song about a perfect world" might be a good idea for a separate thread?

Barry Finn, wherever you are, if you're not required to be elsewhere, I REALLY hope you'll be at the Getaway!