The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #71432   Message #1223946
Posted By: GUEST,Teribus
12-Jul-04 - 12:23 PM
Thread Name: Fahrenheit 9/11 responses
Subject: RE: Fahrenheit 9/11 responses
No, you come on, Nerd:

Point 1.
As the BBC switched to live coverage supplied by US networks that morning, and that didn't happen until AFTER the first plane struck. We here in the UK had no way of knowing what side of the building had been struck. But as the fire spread we did watch the second plane strike.

Point 2.
CNN live coverage AFTER the first plane struck did not identify the aircraft, so there was no information regarding what their flight numbers were and what the destinations of the aircraft were. No mention at the time the second aircraft struck regarding, flights that had disappeared from radar screens, no mention of suspicious microphone activity, or the fact that they were not in contact with air traffic control. There was at that time no mention of hijacked aircraft, not on CNN, not on BBC.

Are you saying that when the second plane struck it was clear to you that it was an attack? Maybe someone should have a word with you about that. Or are you just looking at it with 20 x 20 hindsight, even after the second plane struck there was no mention of it being a terrorist attack - that all came later.

"As a cilvilian, you did not know these things yet." But you say it was clear to you?

"As President, Bush would have been told." Told what? First that an aircraft had crashed into one of the WTC Towers. It was not until after the second aircraft struck that any other interpretation was being put on things and that was not broadcast by the media.

"It was crystal-clear to the government at that time that these were hijacked planes." What all of the members of the government? or just some of its members? or just those people immediately involved with handling the situation?