The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #71521   Message #1224194
Posted By: TxCelt
12-Jul-04 - 07:14 PM
Thread Name: Need song suggestions - emigration
Subject: RE: Need song suggestions - emigration
Wow... I actually use my work computer for work for a couple of hours, and look what happens! Thanks for the ideas, all. I will let everyone know how the thing turns out.

Just a bit of gratuitious repition, here again is the link to the "cause" we're supporting. if any of you are in teh area, give teh retreat a look-see.

And Marion, Jed is a friend of mine. I actually got to hear "Look Ahead..." when he first brought it out to a session to polish it up ( or so I understood). The man is an amazing song-writer and a heck-of-a nice guy. It's a good thing that he's so likeable or I would be consumed with jealousy (insert grinning smily here). By all means, anyone cruising this thread who doesn't know Jed, follow Marion's link and check him out!