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Thread #71432   Message #1224243
Posted By: Nerd
12-Jul-04 - 09:48 PM
Thread Name: Fahrenheit 9/11 responses
Subject: RE: Fahrenheit 9/11 responses

This is not one of your smarter arguments. In fact, you're one of the few people I know who could argue that because I was right about something and you were wrong, that proves you are smarter than me. Yes, I knew it was a terrorist attack. I was right. You were still thinking "humm, maybe the automatic landing system is out of whack." You were wrong. I'd say that in this case, makes MY ability to see the truth of the situation stronger than yours, not the other way around.

Are you saying that when the second plane struck it was clear to you that it was an attack? Maybe someone should have a word with you about that. Or are you just looking at it with 20 x 20 hindsight, even after the second plane struck there was no mention of it being a terrorist attack - that all came later.

All I can say is I was here in the US, you were not. Even after the FIRST plane hit, people on the street, on the bus, and in my office were saying, "my god, a plane just hit the World Trade Center! I bet it's a terrorist attack."   After the second plane hit, EVERYONE was saying it. Just because they weren't going there on CNN, doesn't mean it wasn't the scuttlebutt all over the US.

Look, the WTC was known to be a target for international terrorists. Our embassies had been bombed, our warships had been bombed. The WTC itself had been bombed (at a time when I worked at one chase plaza, about a block away).

And the alternate explanation YOU describe--a technical glitch--is ludicrous.

"As a cilvilian, you did not know these things yet." But you say it was clear to you?

No, these other details about the flight, which made it even more clear, were not known to me. I just knew it was a terrorist attack because that was the most logical conclusion to come to. But these other details WERE known to Bush.

CNN live coverage AFTER the first plane struck did not identify the aircraft, so there was no information regarding what their flight numbers were and what the destinations of the aircraft were. No mention at the time the second aircraft struck regarding, flights that had disappeared from radar screens, no mention of suspicious microphone activity, or the fact that they were not in contact with air traffic control. There was at that time no mention of hijacked aircraft, not on CNN, not on BBC.

"As President, Bush would have been told." Told what? First that an aircraft had crashed into one of the WTC Towers. It was not until after the second aircraft struck that any other interpretation was being put on things and that was not broadcast by the media.

Good God, listen to you! The minute that first plane hit, air traffic control was determining what plane it was and where it had come from. ATC already knew about an LA bound jumbo jet being miles off its flight plan, about its cutting off contact, about its suspicious mic activity, etc, etc. That stuff was known to them as it happened. Once the crash occurred, it would take about two seconds to connect those dots. They CERTAINLY would know it wasn't a plane on the auto landing system, since those planes would all be still chattering away with them. So they knew what was happening at air traffic.

Now, do you think they report this shit straight to CNN and the BBC before the law enforcement or intelligence communities? If you love news so much, here's some: Bush has sources of information you don't have! He has intelligence people precisely so he can learn these things BEFORE you find out about them on the TV News. And since the air traffic folks already knew all of this when the first plane struck, it's ridiculous to assume just because Teribus doesn't know something that Bush's intelligence people don't know it.