The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #71542   Message #1224698
Posted By: Joe Offer
13-Jul-04 - 01:19 PM
Thread Name: Tune Req: Chevaliers de la Table Ronde
Yet Another Digital Tradition (click) has the Digital Tradition tunes in various types of notation.

Can anybody give us a decent translation of this song, and some information about its origins? I figure it has something to do with the Knights of the Round Table, but that's all I've been able to figure out.

Here's the translation from the Rise Up Singing Songbook, such as it is. Actually, I guess it's a pretty good translation - although I think I'd let only a trained professional try to sing it.
-Joe Offer-

Knights of the round table,
let us see if the wine is good

If it's good stuff,
I will drink as much as I want

I'll drink down five or six bottles
with a girl sitting on my knees

Who's that rapping on the door:
I guess it's her husband

If it is, the devil take him
for messing up my fun

When I die, bury me
in a cave full of good wine

Let the world's four biggest drunkards
carry me in my shroud

With my two feet against the wall
and my head under the tap

On my tombstone write:
here lies the king of the drinkers

The moral of this story is:
Drink before you die!
Chevaliers de la table ronde
Goutons voir si le vin est bon

S'il est bon, s'il est agréable
J'en boirai jusqu'a mon plaisir

J'en boirai cinq ou six bouteilles
Une femme sur les genoux.

Toc, toc, toc, qui frappe 'a la porte?
J'crois bien que c'est le mari.

Si c'est lui, que le diabl' l'emporte
Car il vient troubler mon plaisir.

Quand je meurs je veux qu'on m'interre
Dans une cave ou il y a do bon vin.

Et les quatre plus grands ivrognes
Porteront les quat' coins du drap.

Les deux pieds contre la muraille
Et la têt' sous le robinet.

Sur ma tombe je veux qu'on inscrive
'Ici git le roi des buveurs'.

La morale de cette histoire
C'est 'a home avant de mourir.