The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #71513   Message #1224899
Posted By: GUEST
13-Jul-04 - 05:56 PM
Thread Name: BS: Arab victim of Palestinian terrorism
Subject: RE: BS: Arab victim of Palestinian terrorism
How about Israel tears down the wall when Muslim extremists worldwide agree to stop teaching their kids to hate and kill Jews.

If that's too hard, then how about this: Israel tears down the wall when China ends its illegal occupation of Tibet.

If that's too hard, then how about this: Israel tears down the wall when Saudi Arabia tears down its wall protecting itself from marauders from other gulf states.

If that's too hard, then how about this: Israel tears down the wall when Morocco tears down its 1,000-mile long security barrier across the heart of the territory of Western Sahara, which it used to take control of the best two-thirds of the territory for Morocco.

If that's too hard, then how about this: Israel tears down the wall when Spain tears down its fence it built in Ceuta, on the border with Morocco, in order to keep illegal workers out of Spain.

If that's too hard, then how about this: Israel tears down the fence when Israel knows it can expect unbiased treatment from Europe, the UN and all those others who condemn Israel for doing what every nation does: protect the lives of its citizens from terror.