The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #71316   Message #1225628
Posted By: InOBU
14-Jul-04 - 07:02 PM
Thread Name: BS: happy fourth of july to the world (2004)
Subject: RE: BS: happy fourth of july to the world
Yes, today is the 14 of July, in the USA we call that Bastille Day, the day that the US bombed Puerto Rico to break six drunkards out of the Bastille in Paris, France in responce to a bomb attack on Binghamton, NY by three Figi Islanders armed with a rubber chicken filled with a volitile mixture of vodka and urine. The outcome of the war was a suspention of civil liberities in the US and thousands of deaths of Arroack Natives in Puerto Rico, which was then declared a possesion because they were not yet ready for independance or statehood. The six drunkards invented AA and began the myth of some guy named Bill. Which reminds me, the meeting of 12SA (tweleve steps Anonous) has been, as usual posponed, so that anyone who has not been to any 12 step meetings can send me a post card to recieve their one year or whatever coins... redeamable for what ever your vice is at Molly's (you know where THAT is!)
Cheers and happy Bastille Day, the USA and the WORLD!!!!