The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #71578   Message #1225726
Posted By: Brían
14-Jul-04 - 10:28 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: O'Brien of Tipperary
Here you are:


O'Brien from Tipperary is the subject of my tale.
Before the Civil War began, to America he came.
He was of good character, his spirits were light and free,
And by a plan he won the North against the enemy.

'Twas on a Thursday morning the Major he did swear,
'You did insult a soldier all on the barrack square'.
'You may thank your daughter,' said O'Brien, 'or else I'd have your life.'
The Major then a sword he drew and thought to end his life.

O'Brien received a pistol with an eye both sharp and keen.
Like a gallant soldier, he quickly took his aim.
In order to defend his life, he fired the fatal ball,
And he lodged it in the Major's breast, it made the tyrant fall.

As soon as the report was heard, the guards all ran around.
He was taken prisoner in irons firmly bound.
Court martial on O' Brien was held immediately.
He was sentenced to be shot, far from his friends and own country.

When O'Brien received the sentence, no fear of death did show.
Unto his execution, he manfully did go.
By a holy priest from Clonmel Town, he was prepared to die.
In hopes to get a pardon from the Lord who rules on high.

The coffin was got ready, he was ordered to kneel down.
The sergeant with a handkerchief, his eyes he firmly bound.
The soldiers on the other hand, all guns they did prepare,
And many a soldier for O'Brien shed a silent tear.

They were ordered to fix bayonets, all ready for to fire.
Before one trigger could be drawn, the Major's daughter did appear.
In a voice as loud as thunder, 'Come set the prisoner free.
I have a letter of reprieve is granted unto me'.

She quickly seized O'Brien and she took him by the hand.
'Rise up my bold Tipperary boy, you are now at my command.
It's true I am in love with you, though you took my father's life.
He had vengeance sworn against you, I would never be your wife.'

So now to conclude and finish and see what love can do.
She's married to O'Brien, she is both loyal and true.
She saved him from the fatal ball, her one and only joy.
And now she is in New York City with her bold Tipperary boy.

got it here:
