The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #71432   Message #1227438
Posted By: Little Hawk
16-Jul-04 - 11:11 PM
Thread Name: Fahrenheit 9/11 responses
Subject: RE: Fahrenheit 9/11 responses
I never criticize people for making a profit while they are doing something worthwhile, but I object to it when they do something destructive. I believe that's one of the key points in Michael Moore's film. The Iraq war was launched for spurious reasons, in order that various people could profit hugely. Those people were mostly located in the oil industry and the military-industrial complex. They have alliegiance to no nation and are not interested in promoting either freedom or democracy anywhere. Quite the contrary. They are interested in enlarging their power and increasing their wealth, and maintaining a constant threat of war in order to strengthen their grip on society. This sort of thing was described quite well in George Orwell's "1984". It requires a compliant (meaning "bought") mainstream media...and for the most part it has had one, so far. The media is basically there just to cheerlead what the Sy$tem has already decided to do, and to keep the public fearful and confused.

The exercise of elections is held periodically to give people the impression that they have the power to effect change...but both major parties have been bought out long ago by the same basic to imagine that real change is possible under such circumstances is optimistic, to say the least.

Still, Bush's administration richly deserves to be tossed out of office, and I hope they are.