The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #71553   Message #1227663
Posted By: wysiwyg
17-Jul-04 - 11:56 AM
Thread Name: Help: Make Vinyl Sound Gear Covers?
Subject: RE: Help: Make Vinyl Sound Gear Covers?
The thread has inadvertently given us a new alternative band name. Hardi and I were chatting about today's gig and I mentioned the feasibility of using our own system in case the organizers' sound man fails to show. Referring to the fact that it's already loaded in the van, since we leave on vacay Monday early AM, I used the phrase "the suitcase with mixer." Hardi (who worked seminary kitchen duty to help pay his way through) heard it as "soup base with mixer," which I guess would be a cream of potato collins soup. :~) I think it will make a great CD title and no one will have any idea what we're on about! :~)

I gotta get a smaller and fatter Samsonite tho-- using the big one I added way too much other gear and now it's too heavy! (i STRAPPED IT TO BE SURE THE HANDLE DOESN;T POP OFF.) damn capslock!

Maybe B&J have one to send me... "SAMSONITE! the choice of professional folkies worldwide!"
