The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #66534   Message #1228116
Posted By: freda underhill
18-Jul-04 - 08:28 AM
Thread Name: BS: Vladimir the Inhaler; Vampire Villain
Subject: RE: BS: Vladimir the Inhaler; Vampire Villain
Vladimir had seen Magenta come in here, and slipped in through the back window, to the gents. In the peace and quiet of the cubicle, he brought a little plastic bag with white powder out of his pocket, and tipped some into a cigarette roley. With two huge snorts, one in each flaring nostril, he was invigorated.

He moved into the bathroom and leant over the sink, washing the coke, and bat's blood off his fingers, nose, and beard. He loved the aroma of bat blood, but there was a time and place for everything. He pressed the button, dried his hands, face and beard meticulously under the blow drier, and filled up the sink. For some reason, Vlad had found that mirrors didn't work for him. So he gazed at his refiection in the water, turning his face from left to right, enjoying what he saw.

Then, he adjusted his cape, popped a mint, and wandered up to the bar, taking the seat right next to Magenta. She gazed up at him with an animated smile, flashing those huge white teeth. Funny, he hadn't noticed the teeth before.

"Vlad, darling, you're back! It's so good to see you", she purred. Vlad watched her beautiful white neck as she spoke, knowing how good it smelt. She was gazing into his eyes, and touched his pin striped trouser with her gentle white hand. This was going well.

Vladimir could see her lilac decoupage rising and falling as he ordered her a cointreau, and a bloody Mary for himself. "Tell me about yourself, Vlad..." she smiled, with a sort of helpless giggle, gazing up at him with those baby blue eyes.

Vlad could feel the vein on his throat throbbing. She was interested in him. No-one had ever asked him about himself before. He gazed down at her, pathetic little minx that she was. This one was going to be fun.