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Thread #71709   Message #1228625
Posted By: Jack the Sailor
18-Jul-04 - 09:47 PM
Thread Name: BS: Mideast: View From the Eye of the Storm
Subject: RE: BS: Mideast: View From the Eye of the Storm
Typos above, corrected version

Subject: RE: BS: Mideast: View From the Eye of the Storm
From: Jack the Sailor - PM
Date: 18 Jul 04 - 09:43 PM

C-Watch, there won't be peace while the Israeli government continues to sponsor the theft of Palestinian land one settlement at a time. I remember when the intafada started the usual Israeli response to an attack was to bomb the police stations then scream that Arrafat could not keep order. I agree with you about Sharon and Arrafat. I admire the fact that you have put them on the same level. I share your hope for a Palestinian state and for a peaceful solution.

C-Watch I admire courage in going over there and subjecting yourself to the threat od those explosives and those thousands of nails. Since HAIM HARARI says that there is more danger in auto accidents and AIDS, let me bless you and your family by saying that I hope none of those things afflict you either.

HAIM HARARI has made some good points, but lets not be gullible. Perhaps Israel as the country with the duly elected government should take a leadership role in promoting peace rather than staying in the gutter and trading atrocities with the terrorists. I hope the government where I'm living develops the sense to strike out those who actually attack us and not to respond to terrorism by expanding the conflict. So far George Bush has failed that test, he, like Sharon, responded to terror with an attack on a third party as an excuse to expand and exploit. Will Osama and Bush dance like Sharon and Arrafat until the US has troops standing on every oilfield in the Muslim world. Will this really be World War Three? I hope Mr. Bush won't keep fighting til he brings this fight to my doorstep. I hope Kerry does better.