The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #71715   Message #1228797
Posted By: Liz the Squeak
19-Jul-04 - 05:26 AM
Thread Name: BS: How do you handle panhandlers/beggars ?
Subject: RE: BS: How do you handle panhandlers/beggars ?
I don't give money to beggars at all. A shake of the head and a 'sorry mate' will acknowledge them, which can be more comforting than a needle of smack. It shows that although I won't give, I don't ignore them, they are not invisible. We recycle clothes to various charities and I have bought food for some. I was driving into McDonalds at the time and he panhandled me in the queue. I said I wouldn't give him money but I would give him food, and he was quite happy with that. I asked him what he wanted, he asked for a single burger and when I gave it to him, he took it round the corner and shared it with his friend. I went back and bought them another burger each. They really were hungry!

I particularly don't form eye contact with those who haul children or animals around with them. As far as I'm concerned, it's a form of child abuse or child prostitution and animal cruelty. There is one woman who regularly begs near our home. I saw her in Knightsbridge once, in one of the more expensive shops, laying down cash for a leather bag that I later found cost £250. The following week, she was back at her pitch, with a baby (whom I've only ever seen limp, floppy and comatose), with the new £250 leather bag over her shoulder. Go figure.

Another incident proved just how kind some people can be. Sitting on a tube train, a woman in quite smart, clean muslim dress came round with a piece of card, declaring that she was Romainian, homeless and penniless, didn't speak English and could we spare some money for her. In the same carriage were the usual mix of city workers, shoppers and a tramp. The woman showed her card to the tramp who, understandably got a bit upset. He berated her for asking him for money, saying she was better dressed than he was (which was true) and that he didn't even have socks for his feet! At that, one of the city gents took a spare pair out of his briefcase and said, 'here, have these, they're clean, I keep them for when I go to the gym!'