The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #71449   Message #1228969
Posted By: GUEST,Frank
19-Jul-04 - 10:59 AM
Thread Name: PLEASE, defend BANJOS !!!
Subject: RE: PLEASE, defend BANJOS !!!
The thing about the banjo is that it doesn't take itself seriously. If it does, it no longer is a banjo any more but has become co-opted by the corporate ruling class-ical music tyrants.
Arise ye banjo players. Shake off the shackles of conformity and morose long-faced depressive psuedo-academic pronouncements that bind you. It is truly the instrument of the People (whoever they are) and is the great equalizer in the music class-ical warfare.
It's time to revolt and give revolting music it's due. The vision for the banjo is that it's about having fun. It's a radical new idea in music that is never mentioned by the hidebound artsy press. and the critics whose job depends upon their inane profundity. There is no place for the banjo in the Pantheon of famous composers and serious musicians who have endeavored to impede the progress of music and send it back to slavish times. The banjo is   a jester, a lovely clown who delights children and makes the listener happy. It was King in the jazz Twenties and you could dance to it. It dances all by itself. I believe that even Michelangelo's output would have been improved by having his marble David play the banjo. Tschaikovsky would have elevated his music to a new level by the inclusion of this wonderfully abrasive and twangy instrument which in the hands of a great musician can laugh and cry at the same time. The banjo, although African is the epitome of Americana and when you hear it, it evokes lovely memories of mountains or stimulating rip-roaring times.

It's an instrument for all seasons and places. It especially sounds good in maudlin church functions or funerals. It is festive for all celebrations. I pity the poor individual who is not captivated by this wonderful instrument. They have been robbed of their soul.
