The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #71755   Message #1229501
Posted By: Amos
19-Jul-04 - 10:19 PM
Thread Name: Linda Ronstadt pulls a Dixie Chicks
Subject: RE: Linda Ronstadt pulls a Dixie Chicks

Moore does not have the verdigris of old history on him, nor the aristocracy of Lee or the musicality of Ochs. But he is standing up in the street and, at considerable personal risk, getting it said. In doing so he has mobilized a very large numbe rof people who were just dazed and didn't know whether it was safe to speak or not.

Well, he may not be as great as some of yesterday's patriots, but he is without question a man of sufficient courage to be today's patriot when one is badly needed.

He's not the only one we have either. But he did something no-one else had managed and should be duly acknowledged for it even if he does dress funny.