The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #71755   Message #1229594
Posted By: Jeri
20-Jul-04 - 01:10 AM
Thread Name: Linda Ronstadt pulls a Dixie Chicks
Subject: RE: Linda Ronstadt pulls a Dixie Chicks
Nerd, I just tried it. (Link in first message.) It's still there.

Barry, that's downright eloquent. If this had been at a concert in 197-something, no one would have batted an eyelash. These days, you speak out against the 'establishment', and you lose your job. Better to go buy a Ronstadt CD or go see Farenheit 9/11. For those who disagree with her politics, but believe a person ought to be able to speak their mind without getting axed, I don't know that there's much you CAN do. Why bother? It's not ever going to be you.

"He that would make his own liberty secure must guard even his
enemy from oppression; for if he violates this duty he establishes
a precedent that will reach to himself" - Thomas Paine

Do Americans even believe that anymore?