The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #14382   Message #122963
Posted By: catspaw49
12-Oct-99 - 10:51 AM
Thread Name: Help: Dave Swan- Need New Act Suggestions
Subject: Dave Swan- Need New Act Suggestions
El Swanno has contacted me regarding suggestions for a new solo act. Dave is concerned because his most recent act has now been deemed "unsuitable" by every venue within 100 miles of his home and I thought that the Mudcat could provide act suggestions as well as support in this "crisis."

Dave's most recent act, as you may be aware, was to ascend a 90 foot tower, garbed in half a gorilla suit and fishnet tights. He would leap from his perch, performing his "Swan Dive" while playing the "Garry Owen" on Bagpipes, ignite a fart, and rocket into a Fire Helmet filled with lime jello 90 foot below. After several audience members suffered heart attacks and 47 were sent to the Neil Young Center for the Terminally Screwed, area promoters blackballed the "Great El Swanno High Dive."

Dave is currently feeling as useless as possum pellets and since his own level of creativity is on par with that of a dwarf tulip bulb, can we all band together and come up with something for the continuance of his solo career?

Cleigh O'Possum is in deep despair over Dave's joblessness and hopes that a good suggestion will be forthcoming from a fellow 'Catter. Many thanks.
