The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #71709   Message #1230001
Posted By: Jack the Sailor
20-Jul-04 - 02:00 PM
Thread Name: BS: Mideast: View From the Eye of the Storm
Subject: RE: BS: Mideast: View From the Eye of the Storm
Our religion holds human life to be sacred, and can only be taken in self defense.


Killing one person in retrubution for the act of another is not "self-defense". Killing a seven your old with a rocket from a helicoptor is not self defense. Apparantly the government of Israel is not subject to the Torah. Do you stand at your pulpit and rail when a Palestinian child is killed?

Do we hear Rabbis condemning the atrocities of the Sharon government? If not, by your standards then they have no respect for human life. The war on the natives in the US was "justified" with racism and bigotry. If you are saying that you, because you are a Jew that you are better than another man because he is a Muslim. Then you have chosen an apt analogy.

If Israel wants to be like the US and sweep away the natives from their land and take land in "defensive wars" they should be doing it the way the US did, on their own, without our help, without our money. I'm suggesting they keep what they stole up until 1967 and for the sake of Peace give up the rest. That is what almost all of the world is suggesting. How do you feel about that?

I notice Rabbi-Sol that you have said nothing about the so called settlers. Do you think they are stealing land or do you think that they have a right to be there and that the natives should be displaced. Please tell us where you stand on this issue?