The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #71755   Message #1230080
Posted By: Bobert
20-Jul-04 - 03:34 PM
Thread Name: Linda Ronstadt pulls a Dixie Chicks
Subject: RE: Linda Ronstadt pulls a Dixie Chicks
Well, don't anyone ever go to see Sparky Rucker if you can't take a little preachin" 'cause yer gonna get it...

Like Sparky says "If yer gonna get the song, yer gonna get the sermon".

Now I mentioned a while back on a similar thread that it is the *responsibility* of artists to take hold, look around and try to capture the flavor of their times... When you take that away you reduce art to musac, be it musical, visual, prose, poetry 'er whatever...

There is a real danger when a sigment of society becomes so brainwashed that they cannot tolerate other folks view points and America is rapidly becoming just that... It is also an eraly warning sign that facism, which I know a lot of Bush apologists don't like hearing, is working within the society...

Now I know this will make DougR real happy but I have first the first time in my life given thought to finding another country that is more tolerant of opposing view points. I'm not saying I have decided but at least it is a consideration. I reckon if Diebold instills Bush fir another 4 years, it will get moved off the rear burner because I firmly believe that should that happen if won't be long before we have right winged vigilante organizations beating up progressives and getting them fired from their jobs and all that wonderful stuff...

But until then, keep firing away Linda, Dixie Chicks and Sparky...
