The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #71709   Message #1230441
Posted By: mg
21-Jul-04 - 12:46 AM
Thread Name: BS: Mideast: View From the Eye of the Storm
Subject: RE: BS: Mideast: View From the Eye of the Storm
I knew as a child there was something wrong. Not that anyone ever said anything. But something about the way the nuns told us to refer to the Holy Land as such and not call it anything else. I was born in 1948. This must have been around 1957 or 58....we just sensed something was going on that was not right. I am very offended by some things..the "making the desert"..add swampland now I guess too" come Jaffa oranges were so famous if the place was a desert swamp? How about the olive orchards? The dates? The sheep? It's a catastrophe built on a catasrophe. I'm an omniist..I want everyone to have what they need. I think you can't have endless expansion and totally open arms in such a small area, such a small populated area. A small, populated, hostile (now) area. I think there should have been definite borders enforced at the time, and supplemental areas on every continent to handle overflow population. I personally would have given Israel a big chunk of Germany and Austria. That would make more sense. I can not for the life of me understand the "God gave it to us" argument. I can't go back to Ireland and claim what my ancestors lost. I'm sure there is a holy book somewhere that says I can, but I can't.   No one can, unless they still have title (guess what?)

That said, I would, as I have said before, shoot a terrorist point blank. I would take serious measures, many of which are being taken. I also think that many countries, led by the U.S., no actually, led by Great Britain which sort of caused this mess, should be absolutely encouraged to take in many refugees. Palestinian and Jews from oppressed situations. Arab states should do much much more. A free Iraq should be able to absorb a number. I read somewhere..the recent USA supplement, that Iraq could feed the Middle East..does that sound right? Kuwait said so...anyway, maybe they could use a lot of farmers. I also think we need to find trades for many of the Palestinians that would benefit the making eyeglasses, artificial limbs, AIDS medicines etc...they could specialize in this...

I think we need to watch how our money is spent over there, and so does the U.N.....lots of daylight might help....helping the farmers of Palestine get to their lands safely, and be guarded from the settlers is something that has to be done. Getting ambulances through checkpoints doesn't sound that hard to me. Have female guards on both sides for female patients. Strip the patients naked in a checkpoint, check for explosives, transfer to an ambulance on the other side. Add a few minutes but not the hours that are happening now. Have explosive sniffing dogs here and there and everywhere.

I am absolutely totally against the terrorism and the bombings. Don't confuse me with anyone who is for it.