The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #71794   Message #1230443
Posted By: Nerd
21-Jul-04 - 12:57 AM
Thread Name: What is the performer's job?
Subject: RE: What is the performer's job?
Dick Greenhaus may be right on this one. But can you entertain and also have political message, or not? And can you entertain a lot of people and piss a few other people off, and still be doing your job? I think you can.

One of the questions no one has answered is "did Linda Ronstadt entertain folks?"

There are conflicting reports as to how many disgruntled people there really were. Some say half the audience left early--but other reports don't buy that. And it was the encore; at some venues half the audience leaves then anyway, to avoid traffic. (I don't know anything about Vegas, but at the Tweeter Center in Camden it sure does happen!) People didn't demand their money back because of the political talk, either.

The stories that people threw cocktails and tore down posters are also disputed by some papers. And by the way, in my wilder days I have myself torn down posters at a venue--because I was a huge fan and wanted the posters! So what does the fact of torn-down posters prove?

By all accounts, many of the people enjoyed themselves. LR got a standing ovation. So...she certainly entertained a lot of people. And the question is, should the yowling of a vocal minority convince the venue's owner that Ronstadt had somehow not been entertaining?

Or to put it in more other terms, should the few people that Big Mick's band pissed off get to determine if he's doing his job, or the many other people he did not piss off?