The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #71794   Message #1231142
Posted By: Stephen L. Rich
22-Jul-04 - 01:55 AM
Thread Name: What is the performer's job?
Subject: RE: What is the performer's job?
We're in a different sort of position, as folkies, than most other entertainers. The folk music revival, as a whole, was founded on social activism. Rock wasn't. Jazz wasn't. While Country Music has, throughout its history, had songs of social comment such has not been one of the primary reasons for its continued perfomance.

    Taking a social or political stand from the stage and doing one's job as an entertainer need not be mutually exclusive tasks. That's what jokes are for. That's what songs are for. A well crafted song can suvive most political disagreements. Combine the two. Write a "talkin' blues". Most venue owners don't much care what you sing as long as you manage to keep people sitting still long enough to spend some money.

    This does, of course, have its limitations. it works best when your preaching to the chior. The tools you have as an entertainer need to come into play. Listen to the audience as you work. Gauge thier responses. Employ a bit of common sense. Don't, for example, sing Steve Goodman's "42nd St." in a bar full of rednecks.

      Using the skills you have to please or, at times, direct an audience, there is no reason that you can't do both.

Stephen Lee