The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #71794   Message #1231143
Posted By: Bo Vandenberg
22-Jul-04 - 01:57 AM
Thread Name: What is the performer's job?
Subject: RE: What is the performer's job?
While I like the idea of being able to seperate entertainment from education from politics I just dont think anything that clear exists. In many countries just singing about women in a professional context is highly political material. How much fun would love stories be to sing if they amounted to " I went to see her father, he did (or didn't) say I could have her.

There is another element too about the Ronstadt thing - on one level Moore is also a performer. Is it wrong for a performer to support or hype another artist on stage? What about an artist whom they think needs the audience -- Is that still politics???? Should artists not do any Bob Dylan covers because of some of his politics? Paul Robeson? Pat Boon?

How many Irish songs are inherently political?

How many performers get mileage from patriotism as part of their act. Is that politics or social consciousness.