The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #71812   Message #1231278
Posted By: The Fooles Troupe
22-Jul-04 - 08:02 AM
Thread Name: beginners whistle tunes wanted
Subject: RE: beginners whistle tunes wanted
I think I understand far more than some anonymous GUEST what the original poser (hmm, a typo, but I'll leave it!) was on about!

There is no such thing as "a good set", if what is wanted is "a set of 'Irish' Tunes to play at any session", or substitute 'Scottish' 'Bluegrass' etc.

What is played at any session, at any particular place around the world, at any particular time, depends on what musos are there, and what their particular favourite tunes are that week!

If you want to play at any particular geographical session, GO TO THAT SESSION AND LISTEN! You can ask, and take notes of the names of the tunes, and go away and brush up on them, but you will find that each week, while there are a few repeated, there will always be tunes that you have never heard before, and if it is a really good session, some tunes that local members of that session have created and contributed, so you won't find those anywhere else.

The individual responses above that mentioned particular tunes, were merely the favourites of those that responded!

["like you pros do"]

Most us use here are not "pros" but "amateurs", and we just wing it...

Trying to learn "the perfect set" is a self defeating thing, you have to understand that that sort of thing may happen in a movie, but in real life, things are much more fluid.

I have seen endless 'argument' on what the sort tunes you think you are wanting to know about, but everybody has a different opinion, and there is NO 'standard list'. Even a minimalist list in any particular genre will have hundreds of suggestions, and the basic list will vary from country to country, and even within differing areas of each country, from week to week.

The only worthwhile response before mine was "learn to play songs you already like" from Blackcatter. Nutty's suggestion - corrected by Mudguard, is the best answer I think you will get - the anon GUEST of 22 Jul 04 - 06:06 AM has merely given another 'personal opinion', then basically added, 'but you can mix all of these together'.

It's already been asked without a specific response "Barring that, what type of music are you looking to play? Irish, Scottish, English, bluegrass, blues, fusion jazz, rock, latin?" etc

I have a set of 4 books on "learning the tin whistle" which was on four separate themes - Scottish, Irish, Trad, Folk. They progressed from simple to harder, and each book was a stand alone item. I don't have them to hand at the moment, but may be the sort of suggestion that most fits the question as asked. I think though that the 'set's of tunes there, while all widely liked favourites, would hardly constitute 'a set' that we would think of as being performed at any session.
