The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68767   Message #1231334
Posted By: Jim Dixon
22-Jul-04 - 09:23 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: Irish songs about balls, wakes, soirees
This one isn't meant to be funny, apparently.

From The Library of Congress American Memory Collection

Words, Edward C. Dobson. Music, Louisa Dewhurst. 1884.

1. The dashing boys and girls so sweet came trooping by the score,
And ev'rybody looked so neat upon the shining floor;
The girls were dress'd all in their best—the fat, the short, the tall—
To dance their fill in each quadrille at Miss McCarthy's ball.

CHORUS: Miss McCarthy led the dance. Then came MacNamara.
Miss O'Shea and Dan O'Day came after Miss O'Hara.
Ev'rybody gaily tripp'd as lively as a sparrow.
With rare delight, they pass'd the night at Miss McCarthy's ball.

2. The boys and girls in corners sat between the dancers gay.
In merriment and jolly chat, they passed the time away.
Then whiskey punch they had for lunch with appetite not small,
And hand all round, the floor they'd pound at Miss McCarthy's ball.

3. The dancing it broke up at four and homeward all withdrew.
With sweetest kisses at the door, each bade his girl adieu.
Such lots of fun had every one, no thought of sleep at all,
And many a heart and hand was won at Miss McCarthy's ball.