The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #71841   Message #1231576
Posted By: CarolC
22-Jul-04 - 03:07 PM
Thread Name: BS: Mudcat Feuds that aren't really feuds...
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Feuds that aren't really feuds...
Some gems from Troll and Skeptic:


ps: troll: I agree and endorse the first paragraph in your latest post. But then, I know where you got it from. Lobachevsky would be so proud.


I only steal from the best. I'm happy that you FINALLY recognized one of my many sources of information.
Of course, even a blind pig will find an acorn if he roots long enough.


troll, The Times? In response to something in the Forth Worth Star Telegraph? You are being less than lucid. Glad you're getting back to normal.


The "blind pig" reference was to me. Not one of his better efforts (using 'effort' very liberally). I think it some sort of sad compulsion to try to be witty. Much like his delusions of competency. (Note to troll - an opening for a comeback - don't miss it).


I save them for those who can appreciate and -more importantly- understand them.

Far from being a "sad compulsion to try to be witty", I was merely trying to make YOU feel more a part of things. Sort of a "make jokes with him so he'll feel more like one of the guys". I realize that it was probably a wasted effort but I DID promise I'd try. I should have remembered," Never try to teach a pig to sing. It wastes your time and annoys the pig."

Oh. By the way. All things considered, you are the LAST person I would expect to hear talking about competency.


Is there someone who appreciates your efforts? I mean aside from those abnormal psych grad students using you as a case study?


Ebbie likes my humor. She said so.


Ebbie, In his own mind, troll is almost always serious. Couple that curious delusion with his severely dysfunctional personality and a view of reality that can best be characterized as, literally, unique and you capture a hint of the difficult in deciphering his cryptic attempts at communication. Let along dealing with him face to face.
I've always found that: 1. Ignoring him does no good. He can't take the hint. 2. Some people crave abuse and rejection. He requires it. 3. Don't take him at all seriously. Although he takes himself that way, those who know him have adopted a kind of benign contempt.

I hope his comments weren't meant as a compliment. Talk about ruining your whole day.....!!!!

...And on another thread (I think this is one of my favorites)...


Amos, if Skeptic (John) HAD taken it personally, you would have known it in no uncertain terms. So far he has been extremely kind in his postings

Actually, he is a vicious little rat with a tongue like a razor-blade dipped in sulphuric acid.

And those are his GOOD points.