The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #71890   Message #1232872
Posted By: Jack the Sailor
24-Jul-04 - 02:21 PM
Thread Name: BS: Respect and civility
Subject: RE: BS: Respect and civility
I'm a Christian, Heres what I feel about spreading the "Good News." If I think a person is open to the message, if I think it will do you some good, I'll politely and humbly try to tell them about what my faith has done for me. When I'm witnessing is about the only time you'll see me being humble. I don't want credit for being Christain, It isn't my credit to claim. I don't want praise because I was lucky enough to receive God's gifts. Its not something to brag about. Its not something to Lord over people. It is something to share.

While Christians should be civil, civility is not a trait unique to Christians. In fact Christains aren't any more civil than anyone else. I'm glad you are trying to be civil GeorgianSilver, but I would hope that you are doing so as a member of this community, not as paragon of your faith.