The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #71882   Message #1232929
Posted By: artbrooks
24-Jul-04 - 03:26 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bush's Records Turn Up
Subject: RE: BS: Bush's Records Turn Up
As I think I said in one of the (many) previous threads on this topic, the most common disciplinary action that the Reserves and Guard took at that period in time for missing drills (and I think the trigger was three in a row) was for the individual to be "red-lined". That basically meant removed from regular scheduled duty and, if an active duty obligation existed, maybe being transferred to the active component. Since Dubya's only military skill was flying an obsolute aircraft, and the Vietnam war was beginning to wind down, it would appear unlikely to me that the Air Force would have wanted him.

As I also think I said in a previous thread on this topic, my personal opinion is that he has done quite enough to answer for in the past 3 1/2 years, without dredging up non-events of 32 years ago.