The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #71890   Message #1233400
Posted By: harpgirl
25-Jul-04 - 12:14 PM
Thread Name: BS: Respect and civility
Subject: RE: BS: Respect and civility
GS...we have had many religious wars over the years on mudcat. At this point in our history, we all seem to know what each other's take on religion is and we try to keep the prosletizing to a minimum.   The unwritten rule is to be modest or respectful and civil about one another's individual belief or non-belief. You would be well-advised to work harder on this approach.

(For history on how I have stepped into it with both feet, read our war about Catholicism after the priest scandals began to surface. I offended dozens of catholics with my remark about the catholic church going bankrupt.)

For your information, I am a traditional Episcopalian with little or no interest in the bible or modern interpretations of biblical stories. I don't believe in a virgin birth and I think many churches have commandeered the life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth for their own narrow-minded and oppressive purposes. I only attend my mother's church for the most part, and to me religion is about helping other people.That's how I practice my "religion."

When I hear other people say "I am a Christian" I always wonder what that implies. I am a Christian because I am an Episcopalian. It seems to me that "I am a Christian" implies that your brand of Christianity is somehow better than all the other denominations.
Sanctimonious posts also draw a great deal of negative feedback, in case you haven't noticed.

In my opinion, Jerry Rasmussen has the best approach to his religious beliefs. He can blab on and on about his religious activities and ideas and it nevers sounds sanctimonious or defensive. He just sounds like a good soul whose light shines on everyone equally. Frankly, most of our more religious members have found a way to fit in or have learned to live and let live. Good luck
