The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #71859   Message #1233651
Posted By: Bobert
25-Jul-04 - 08:36 PM
Thread Name: Songs for a wedding dinner
Subject: RE: Need Music Suggestions
Well, Clinton, seems there are a few folks that think yer a shmo but since you ain't never shmo'd me that I know of, what the heck:

"I want you, I need you, I love you", by Elvis
"Come Softly to Me", by the Fleetwoods
"Stay" by Murice Willaims and the Zodiacs
"I Feel Fine" by the Beatles
"My Girl" by the Temptations
"I Got You, Babe" by Sonny and Cher
"All You Need is Love" by the Beatles
"The Letter" by the Box Tops
"I Can Make it with You" by the Pezo-Seco Singers
"Heart of Gold" by Neil Young
"Feel Like Making Love" by Robert Falck
"I Honestly Love You" by Olivaia Newton-John
"Tonight's the Night" by Rod Stewert
"Best of MY Love" by the Emotions
"Three Times a Lady" by Commodores

Now if that don't get you laid then the following morning have another CD with:

"Ive Had It" by the Bell Notes
