The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #71934   Message #1234010
Posted By: Bobert
26-Jul-04 - 12:30 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bush's 2nd Term Goals for US?
Subject: BS: Bush's 2nd Term Goals for US?
Well, I hate to start this thread on the day the Democratic convention begins but realisticly Kerry has no chance of beating the Bush/Cheney/Diebold ticket. I mean like Kerry will probably have to carry 52%, maybe 53% of the vote in order to prevail. Anything close will get stolen for Bush, which sadly, is the most likely scenerio.

Bush hasn't said a thing about what he has in store so we don't have much of a clue there. So if I'm correct, what will the next four years look like, other than bad.

Like what is the guy and his buddies going to do?
