The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #71934   Message #1234064
Posted By: Jack the Sailor
26-Jul-04 - 01:49 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bush's 2nd Term Goals for US?
Subject: RE: BS: Bush's 2nd Term Goals for US?
A draft,
Bring "democracy" to Iran at gunpoint. (first year)
a trillion dollars of missile defense to protect us from a few firecrackers in North Korea.
Gulags in Alaska for Michael Moore and his kind.
"Prisons" in Hawaii for Kenneth Lay and his kind.
A bionic body for Cheney
A bionic brain for Bush.
ROTC in all public schools starting in Kindergarten.
A ban on term limits for Presidents.
A ban on voting for Presidents.
Construction on Presidential palaces in place of each of the state capitals and govenment.
A Presidential Throne and Septre
An ammendment to the constitution codefying the Devine right of President.
renaming of Maine to Bushhome, Texas to Bushland, California to Reganlandia, etc...

Afet the four years, a one thousand year reign of pice and prosperity,
One land united under Bush.