The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #71934   Message #1234094
Posted By: GUEST,Ron Olesko
26-Jul-04 - 02:23 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bush's 2nd Term Goals for US?
Subject: RE: BS: Bush's 2nd Term Goals for US?
It is great to be a Monday Morning Quarterback, but you can't become one on the Saturday before the game.

There are so many polls out there that you can't make an educated guess as to the outcome. An incumbent wartime president has a huge advantage, but the fact that the race is so close at this juncture is indicitive of the fact that it is way too close to call.

I heard a poll today that Bush trails his numbers in individual states from 2000. There isn't a single state where his numbers are as strong as they were when he was elected, according to this pollster.

It ain't over till it's over!