The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #71208   Message #1234650
Posted By: Steve Parkes
27-Jul-04 - 07:50 AM
Thread Name: Insult to Folk Music from Radio Times
Subject: Update: Radio Times 31/7-6/8
I see Ms Anderson has written in the Radio Times of the Cambridge Folk Festival (BBC Radio 2, next Saturday 9 pm). Good to see she keeps up with world opinion, for she writes:

It is with some trepidation that I write this preview, for the last time I mentioned folk music in these columns a folk-lover's internet chat room
[she means us!] became so enflamed [sic] by my comments that one of their number decried me as a follower of the Cheeky Girls (among other things). To set the record straight, I own nothing by the Cheeky Girls but am in possession of albums by Jimmy Cliff, the Divine Comedy and the Levellers, all of whom are on this programme of highlights. I do not, however, care for men with beards.

So we'm in with a chance, then, Roger...!
