The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #71860   Message #1235393
Posted By: The Shambles
28-Jul-04 - 05:55 AM
Thread Name: Things planned for Sidmouth 50
Subject: RE: Things planned for Sidmouth 50
Couldn't agree more Ron. The music making on the esplanade is magical and I tend to agree with you also on the amplified music issue also. But part of the magic is that what happens, just happens and it would appear that there are a number of people who do not understand this.

It is how potential problems are dealt with and there is no doubt that there are some. Rather than preventing casual amplified music making - perhaps this could be encouraged to take place and an area found for it, away from the other music and places likely to be affected?

I fear that what will happen, is what has happened before. To appease the organisers, some token effort will be mounted to deal with street traders etc and then soon abandoned. Only after a lot of confusion, uneeded tension and bad feeling has been engendered.