The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72002   Message #1235906
Posted By: Deckman
28-Jul-04 - 07:05 PM
Thread Name: shopping used to be fun
Subject: RE: shopping used to be fun
I can add a somewhat funny story to this thread. I say "somewhat" as while it might make you grin, it also has it's very sad and serious side:

My late (and bestest friend ever) was a classical musician. He was a concert violinist, and orchestra conductor, and could literally play EVERY instrument in the orchestra, quite well. He also was born with perfect pitch, which was quite a burden.

Over the years, we shared many an elevator, or cocktail lounge, or other public place where music was 'piped in' to benifit our souls. This drove him absolutly nutz!!!!

Often the piece playing was a classical sonata, or string quartet, that he had just conducted recently. His trained ear would focus on the music and would dissappear into his 'music mode.' He would close his eyes, his right hand would lift the baton, and he would start to conduct the piece.

This was not deliberate, it simply reflected years and years and years of study and training. He would be lost in the music, only to be snapped to reality by a brass voiced waitress asking what he wanted to order.

True story and a very common one to classical musicians. CHEERS, Bob(deckman)Nelson