The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72010   Message #1236023
Posted By: Jerry Rasmussen
28-Jul-04 - 10:20 PM
Thread Name: BS: Remaking Classics
Subject: BS: Remaking Classics
Soemtime in the next few days, they're releasing a remake of The Manchurian Candidate. A couple of months ago, I watched the movie again on DVD and find it hard to believe they can improve on it (even though I like Denzel Washington a lot.) It remains to be seen if the movie can stand on its own. I don't have high expecations, because I've seen too many remakes that, first of all seemed completely unnecessary, and ended up being bombs.

Why did anyone have to remake Psycho? Or High Noon?

Last night, I was flipping around the channels and came across a remake of Picnic. They had some innocuous tv star playing the William Holden part, and a starlet playing the Kim Novak role.

And then, on the Fox Movie Channel they're showing remakes of other classics... like Laura, with Robert Stack playing the part originally played by Dana Andrews.

And then we could talk about the Sherlock Holmes remakes... some good, some exceedingly limp.

Got any other examples... good or bad?
