The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72015   Message #1236106
Posted By: Amergin
29-Jul-04 - 02:24 AM
Thread Name: BS: Tobble Dobble and the Food Route
Subject: BS: Tobble Dobble and the Food Route
She happily strolls down the summer sidewalk, feeling how each golden ray warms the concrete beneath her four feet, Her tongue pokes from her grinning lips as she waddles her way to the next stop, her bulging stomache gently scraping along the ground.
She sees him standing there, smiling down at her, gently wooing her with his German voice as he softly tells her to come in. She waddles in happily as he sets down before her a gleaming bowl of soft cold ice cream dripping down into the bottom of the basin, creating a wonderful chocolate caramel soup.
The elderly gentleman laughs at her eager to desire to have it all inside her already protuberant belly. He kneels down beside her and pats her lovingly on her reddish brown head. "Mein zucker", he murmurs in her ear as he strokes her long dachsund body. She pauses her tongue momentarily as it hungrily caresses the soft cold creamy soup swirling in the bowl so that she may lick him once or twice in immense gratitude on his wrinkle lined face. He laughs again and rises from his place beside her.
She goes back to the ice cream, paying him no mind as he steps to the fridge in a search for more goodies. "Hmm" he thinks as he sees the remains of last night's meal tucked away in tins and tupperware, He lays the feast out on a plate and places it beside the now empty bowl of ice cream. Her eyes light up with unadulterated greed as she gleefully attacks this new garden of unearthly delights; sausages, roast beef, potatoes and cold gravy.
His old lonesome heart burst with the pleasure of seeing her joy as she gobbles down this feast fit for a queen, the queen of all dachsunds in Bonners Ferry if not the whole world. He watches as she licks every last drop from that plate, scrubbing it clean with her canine tongue.
She slithers over to where he sits, her belly almost longer than her legs, scraping along the floor.He bends down and helps her into his lap and tenderly strokes her ears as she licks his face once more, thanking him with each lap of her tongue. They sit there togehter for a while as she provides comfort to this lonely old man, gifting him him with her very company, with her very love.
Eventually however she knows she must get up and move on. He understands this, but he knows she will return to him again, tomorrow and once again he will have the pleasure of her company. They walk to the door together, friendly gentle host and loving visiting guest. He opens the door and watches her stroll back out into the summer sun, down the baking sidewalk to the next stop in her daily feeding route, tongue lolling out her mouth in greedy anticipation.
