The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72027   Message #1236998
Posted By: kendall
30-Jul-04 - 07:02 AM
Thread Name: BS: Why Are Republicans...
Subject: RE: BS: Why Are Republicans...
John Wayne was as big a phony as George Bush. He never served in the military, and he never spoke a word that wasn't scripted for him.

Definition of a republican:
One who lives in mortal fear that somehow, somewhere someone is enjoying himself.

I am also a fiscal conservative, and I don't understand how conservatives can abide a 7 trillion dollar national debt. We are bleeding red ink to the point where even the liberals are worried!

I asked a friend who is a raving republican why they are so hung up on how other people show their love for another, and he gave me the old "Camel's nose under the tent" argument. Gay marriage will lead to beastiality, child abuse, nose picking...silly argument. Reminded me of Prof. Hill in the Music Man..and that rhymes with "P" and that stands for pool!
It really is a control thing, but let's not get it ass backwards, it is, control freaks become republicans, not the other way 'round.